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![]() Idiatov, Dmitry. 2022. Diachronic typology and the reconstruction of non-selective interrogative pronominals in Proto-Bantu. In Koen Bostoen, Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, Rozenn Guérois & Sara Pacchiarotti (eds.), On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar, 667–737. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7560553 [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde. 2021. The lexical distribution of labial-velar stops is a window into the linguistic prehistory of Northern Sub-Saharan Africa. Language 97(1). 72-107. DOI: 10.1353/lan.2021.0002 [final version][supplementary materials] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde, Uyên-To Rabier (programmer). 2021. Bena-English dictionary. Version 1.0. Android 4.4 and up. URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.efl.bena. Version [insert the accessed version number here] accessed on [insert date here]. Idiatov, Dmitry. 2021. The historical relation between clause-final negation markers and phasal polarity expressions in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Raija Kramer (ed.), The expression of phasal polarity in African languages, 497-514. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI: 10.1515/9783110646290-020 [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2020. Perfective marking conditioned by transitivity status in Western Mande: constructional competition, specialization and merger. Diachronica 37(1). 43-82. DOI: 10.1075/dia.18050.idi [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde. 2020. The internal reconstruction of Bena-Yungur consonants and tone patterns. Language in Africa 1(3). 100–124. DOI: 10.37892/2686-8946-2020-1-3-100-124 [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde. 2020. Nigeria as a linguistic terra incognita: The two languages of Lau. In Andrey A. Kibrik, Kseniya P. Semenova, Dmitry V. Sichinava, Sergey G. Tatevosov & Anna Yu. Urmanchieva (eds.), ВАПросы языкознания: Мегасборник наностатей [VAProsy jazykoznanija: A megacollection of nanopapers], 322–328. Moscow: Buki Vedi. [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2019 (online first: 2017). Word-final consonant epenthesis in North-eastern Nigerian English. English Language and Linguistics 23(2). 303-340. DOI: 10.1017/S1360674317000429 [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2018. An areal typology of clause-final negation in Africa: language dynamics in space and time. In Daniël Van Olmen, Tanja Mortelmans & Frank Brisard (eds.), Aspects of linguistic variation, 115-163. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. DOI: 10.1515/9783110607963-005 [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde. 2018. La fréquence lexicale des occlusives labiales-vélaires dans le nord de l’Afrique sub-saharienne. In Jean-Léo Léonard & Annie Rialland (eds.), Linguistique africaine: perspectives croisées, 189–204. Leuven: Peeters. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde. 2018. The tone system of Bena-Yungur. In Raija Kramer & Roland Kießling (eds.), Current approaches to Adamawa and Gur languages, 171-191. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. [final version] Van de Velde, Mark L.O. & Dmitry Idiatov. 2017. Morphological classes and gender in Ɓə́ná-Yungur. In Shigeki Kaji (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of African Linguistics, 53-65. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry & Ekaterina Aplonova. 2017. Тура язык [Tura]. In Valentin Vydrin, Yuliya Mazurova, Andrey Kibrik & Elena Markus (eds.), Languages of the world: Mande languages, 583-616. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija. [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2017a. Mande languages. In Mark Aronoff (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, New York: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/obo/9780199772810-0144. http://oxfordbibliographiesonline.com/view/document/obo-9780199772810/obo-9780199772810-0144.xml. [prefinal version] Adda, Gilles, Sebastian Stücker, Martine Adda-Decker, Odette Ambouroue, Laurent Besacier, David Blachon, Pierre Godard, Fatima Hamlaoui, Dmitry Idiatov, Guy-Noël Kouarata, Lori Lamel, Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso, Annie Rialland, Mark L.O. Van de Velde, François Yvon & Sabine Zerbian. 2016. Breaking the unwritten language barrier: the BULB project. Procedia Computer Science 81. 8–14. [prefinal version] Adda, Gilles, Martine Adda-Decker, Odette Ambouroue, Laurent Besacier, David Blachon, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, Elodie Gauthier, Pierre Godard, Fatima Hamlaoui, Dmitry Idiatov, Guy-Noël Kouarata, Lori Lamel, Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso, Annie Rialland, Sebastian Stücker, Mark L.O. Van de Velde, François Yvon & Sabine Zerbian. 2016. Innovative technologies for under-resourced language documentation: The BULB Project. CCURL proceedings (Workshop CCURL 2016 - Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages - LREC, May 2016, Portoroz, Slovenia). [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2015. Clause-final negative markers in Bobo and Samogo: parallel evolution and contact. Journal of Historical Linguistics 5(2). 235-266. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2014. Egyptian non-selective interrogative pronominals: history and typology. In Martin Haspelmath, Eitan Grossman & Sebastian Richter (eds.), Egyptian-Coptic linguistics in typological perspective, 289-322. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2012. Clause-final negative markers in southeastern Bamana dialects: a contact-induced evolution. Africana Linguistica 18. 169-192 [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2011a. Review: Güldemann, Tom. 2008. Quotative indexes in African languages: A synchronic and diachronic survey. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 34). ISBN 978-3-11-018590-4. Studies in Language 35(2). 445–452. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2011b. Рефлексивно-локативный деобликватив в тура: gbíéla̋ 'волочить' vs. gbíé 'тянуть (за)' [Reflexive-locative deobliquative in Tura: gbíéla̋ ‘traîner’ vs. gbíé ‘tirer’]. In Elena V. Perekhvalskaya & Alexandr Ju. Zheltov (eds.), Le monde Mandé. К 50-летию Валентина Феодосьевича Выдрина. Материалы экспедиции в Западную Африку (2001-...) [Le monde Mandé. Pour la 50ème anniversaire de Valentin Feodosjevich Vydrin. Les travaux de terrain en Afrique de l’Ouest (2001-...)], 132-137. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija. [final version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2010. Person–number agreement on clause linking markers in Mande. Studies in Language 34(4). 832–868. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2010. Dictionnaire toura-français pour utilisation sur les téléphones cellulaires (version de démonstration) [Tura-French mobile phone dictionary (a demo version)]. [zip & screenshots] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2009a. Частичная антиморфологизация: пример из глагольной морфологии тура [Partial antimorphologization: an example from the verbal morphology of Tura]. Voprosy jazykoznanija 2. 66-74. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2009b. Review: Bernd Heine and Derek Nurse (eds.): A Linguistic Geography of Africa. Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xviii + 371 pp. ISBN 978-0-521-87611-7. Linguistics 47(6). 1391-1400. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2009c. A Bantu path towards lack of differentiation between 'who?' and 'what?'. Africana Linguistica 15. 59-76. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2008a. Antigrammaticalization, antimorphologization and the case of Tura. In Elena Seoane, María José López-Couso & (in collaboration with) Teresa Fanego (eds.), Theoretical and empirical issues in grammaticalization, 151-169. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2008b. Dictionnaire toura-français (version janvier 2008). [pdf: dictionary], [pdf: draft introduction] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2008c. О вопросительных местоимениях в некоторых языках банту зоны С [On interrogative pronominals in some Bantu languages of zone C]. In Aleksander Ju. Zheltov (ed.), Петербургская африканистика. Памяти Андрея Алексеевича Жукова. Сборник научных статей преподавателей и выпускников кафедры африканистики СПбГУ к 70-летию со дня рождения А.А.Жукова [African studies in St. Petersburg. In memory of Andrey Alekseevich Zhukov. A collection of papers by professors and graduates of the Department of African Studies of the St. Petersburg State University for the 70th anniversary of A.A. Zhukov], 240-254. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University. Idiatov, Dmitry & Johan van der Auwera. 2008. From nominalizations to questions - evidence from Tucanoan. Jezikoslovlje 9(1-2). 35-51. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2006a. Glagol’naja derivacija s terminativnym znacheniem ot glagolov izmenenija polozhenija v prostranstve v dan (semja mande, Kot d’Ivuar) kak sluchaj leksikalizacii. [Terminative derivation from motion verbs in Dan (Mande; Ivory Coast) as an instance of lexicalization.]. In Nikolai N. Kazansky (ed.), Acta linguistica petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanij. [Transactions of the Institute for Linguistic Studies], Vol. 2, Part 2, 317-326. St. Petersburg: Nauka. [prefinal version] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2006b. Review: Dumestre, Gérard. Grammaire fondamentale du bambara. Paris: Karthala, 2003. – 424 p. – ISBN 2-84586-402-7. Voprosy jazykoznanija 1. 145-148. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2006c. Review: Jones, Ross McCallum. Boko Dictionary. München: Lincom GmbH, 2004. (Languages of the World/Dictionaries 24); Jones, Ross McCallum. Bokobaru Dictionary. München: Lincom GmbH, 2004. (Languages of the World/Dictionaries 30); Jones, Ross McCallum. Busa Dictionary. München: Lincom GmbH, 2004. (Languages of the World/Dictionaries 31). http://linguistlist.org/issues/17/17-1514.html. Idiatov, Dmitry. 2005a. The exceptional morphology of Tura numerals and restrictors: endoclitics, infixes and pseudowords. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 26(1). 31-78. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2005b. La détermination des limites de mots: l'exemple de l'orthographe toura. Mandenkan 41. 29-39. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2004. Les participes adverbiaux de position en toura et la grammaticalisation. Mandenkan 39. 55-60. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry & Johan van der Auwera. 2004a. On interrogative pro-verbs. In Ileana Comorovski & Manfred Krifka (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Questions, ESSLLI 16, August 9-13, 2004, Nancy, France, 17-23. Nancy: The European Association for Logic, Language and Information. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry & Johan van der Auwera. 2004b. Nominalization as a question formation strategy in Tucanoan. In Lea Harper & Carmen Jany (eds.), Proceedings from the seventh Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, April 30-May 2, 2004, 9-24. Santa Barbara, Ca.: University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Linguistics. Idiatov, Dmitry. 2003a. Lingvisticheskaja geografija tura (Kot d'Ivuar) [Linguistic geography of Tura (Ivory Coast)]. In I.V. Sledzevskij & A.D. Savateev (eds.), Rossija v Afrike i Afrika v Rossii: Materialy nauchnoj konferencii "Afrika: obschestva, kul'tury, jazyki" (Sankt-Peterburg, 2001 god) [Russia in Africa and Africa in Russia: Proceedings of the conference "Africa: societies, cultures, languages" (St.Petersburg, 2001)], Vol. 3, 279-288. Moscow: Council on the Problems of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of African Studies, Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) & St.Petersburg State University. Idiatov, Dmitry.2003b. Semantika vido-vremennyh pokazatelej v jazyke bamana [The semantics of the tense-aspect markers in the Bamana language]. In V.A. Vinogradov & I.N. Toporova (eds.), Osnovy afrikanskogo jazykoznanija: Glagol [Foundations of African linguistics: Verb], 259-324. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura. Bearth, Thomas, K. Folikpo, Dmitry Idiatov, Peter Kalchofner & Daniela Waldburger. 2002. Review article: Conversational Strategies in Akan (S.G. Obeng). Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 23(1). 87-94. Idiatov, Dmitry. 2002. Vzaimodejstvie "intensifikatorov" i chislitel'nyx v tura [The interaction between numerals and "intensifiers" in Tura]. In Valentin F. Vydrine & Alexandre Ju. Zheltov (eds.), Juzhnye Mande: Lingvistika v afrikanskix ritmax. Materialy peterburgskoj ekspedicii v Kot d'Ivuar. K 50-letiju Konstantina Pozdnjakova [Southern Mande: Linguistics in African rhythms. The materials of a St.Petersburg linguists' field trip to Ivory Coast. For the 50th anniversary of Konstantin Pozdniakov], 84-105. St.Petersburg: European House. Idiatov, Dmitry. 2000a. Le sémantisme des marqueurs aspecto-temporels du bambara: une tentative d'analyse. Mandenkan 36. 1-60. [pdf] Idiatov, Dmitry. 2000b. Sistema terminov rodstva Tura [The kin terminology system of the Tura]. In V.A. Popov (ed.), Algebra rodstva: Rodstvo. Sistemy rodstva. Sistemy terminov rodstva [The Kinship Algebra: Kinship. Systems of Kinship. Systems of Kinship Terms], Vol. 5, 278-284. St.Petersburg: Russian Academy of Sciences & Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera). Idiatov, Dmitry. 1999. Operator tùn v bamana i uslovija ego upotreblenija [The operator tùn in Bamana and the conditions of its usage]. In Materialy nauchnoj konferencii "Afrika: obschestva, kul'tury, jazyki (Chtenija pamjati D.A. Ol'derogge)" (Sankt-Peterburg, 1999 god) [Proceedings of the conference "Africa: societies, cultures, languages (Annual International Conference on African Studies in memory of D.A. Olderogge)" (St.Petersburg, 1999)], 84-96. St.Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) & St.Petersburg State University. Idiatov, Dmitry. 1998. Семантика видо-временных показателей в языке бамана [The semantics of the tense-aspect markers in the Bamana language]. In I.V. Sledzevskij & D.M Bondarenko (eds.), Материалы научной конференции "Африка: общества, культуры, языки (Чтения памяти Д.А. Ольдерогге)" (Санкт-Петербург, 1998 г.) [Proceedings of the conference "Africa: societies, cultures, languages (Annual International Conference on African Studies in memory of D.A. Olderogge)" (St.Petersburg, 1998)], 166-177. St.Petersburg: Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) & St.Petersburg State University. |
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